Tuesday, November 27, 2007

True Story Story Swear To God *

No really.

I was in a book store the other day and had my fiddle case on my shoulder, because I never leave it in the car. It’s usually a conversation point for folks and this was no exception. The very young girl (19 or 20?) behind the counter asked what it was and…

ME: It’s a fiddle.
HER: What do you play?
ME: Old-Time music, mostly.
HER: What, like the Beatles?
ME: A dumbfounded sort of stare.
HER: What?… They’re pretty old.

I laughed pretty hard.

* I copped the title of this installment from the title of my current favorite comic book, True Story Swear To God . It’s funny, romantic, and involving. Independent and black and white. No superheroes at all. It's about the relationship of Tom Beland, the artist and writer of the book with Lily, his now wife, from the time of their meeting. Not only is it a great read, Tom is one of the nicest guys in the world. A year or two ago when I started reading the book, I sent him an email telling him how much I liked it. A couple of weeks later, the phone rings at home and who should be on the other end, but Tom Beland calling from his home in Puerto Rico to thank me for the email and have a conversation about the book and comics in general. What a surprise!

So, go click on the the blue clicky linky thing above and check out his website. Then go over to Star Clipper Comics on Delmar (where they let Dan and me busk in front of their store and actually seem to like it!) and pick up a copy of the comic. I think you’ll like it.

You know, it’s just occurred to me that the explanation of the title is longer than the original post. Weird.

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